Thursday, October 20, 2011

More tomatoes

 We've got tomato plants coming out of our ears!

This week at the Farm Gate we'll have:

Staking varieties:

BLACK CHERRY - Dark purplish fruit to 3 cm across, produced in trusses on tall vigorous bush. Sweet, juicy flesh with a rich, smoky flavour. High yields. Really delicious!!

DEBARO - Medium sized, red, egg shaped fruit with smooth skin, to 4cm across and great flavour. Productive.

BRANDYWINE -American Amish. Large (huge!) pinkish red, flattened, globular fruit. Great for slicing.

STUPICE - Czechoslovakian heirloom, cold tolerant, with abundant sweet 2-3inch red fruit. Hardy, delicious and productive. *Our most productive here, early, delicious and cold tolerant.

LEICESTER JONES- Tassie bred by a naturopath 25 years ago. Large pink, ridged fruit, good for Tassie. (low numbers of this one).

RED FIG - Red, sweet skinned, pear shaped, cherry type.

REISENTRAUBE - German heirloom, produces big, prolific bunches of small cherry tomatoes with a point on the tip. Great flavour, generous plant.

TIGERELLA - Red tomato with orange stripes. Small to medium fruit, firm flesh.

WILD CHERRY - Species tomato, producing masses of tiny, less than 1cm, fruit. Vigorous grower.

Bush varieties:

GRANNY'S GOLDEN GLOBES- Low growing cherry tomato. This little gem comes up like magic in my Mum's garden each year. It produces masses of tiny, yellow fruit with thin skin that burst in the mouth, or can be picked in trusses and roasted. Holds fruit until late in the season. Delightful!

GEORGE (that’s not its real name, but I couldn’t understand George through his thick accent when he told me!) Fat field type, from George near Margate, seed scavenged from a sauce tomato. This is a bush variety, I use up-turned pots to keep the fruiting branches off the ground.

PURPLE TOMATILLO, produces big crops of small purple-tinted fruits on a pretty, small bush.

GREEN TOMATILLO, our favourite. Makes fantastic salsa when chargrilled. Heavy cropper, easy to grow.

Our Tassie natives are staying home, however if you could use any of the plants from here please let me know and I'll bring them in for you.

We'll be at the Farm Gate this Sunday, the 23rd, and the following Sunday, the 30th, with our ever growing selection on edible plants, and plenty of cut herbs, edible flower posies, and other tasty things from the garden.


  1. Damn - wish i lived in your neck of the woods. The black cherry variety sounds delicious.

  2. Black cherry really is a great one, I'm sure you could find it somewhere, it's not uncommon. But then just about any home grown tomato is a thing of beauty!
    It is a nice neck of the woods too!
